OSx86: 在 PC 上利用原版零售光碟安裝 Mac OS X Leopard – 基礎篇

OSx86: 在 PC 上利用原版零售光碟安裝 Mac OS X Leopard – 基礎篇

在一般 x86 PC 上安裝 Mac OS X 在國外早已相當普遍,而且也並不是一件難事,畢竟從 Tiger 10.4.x 到現在的 Leopard 10.5.x 已經累積了相當多的經驗。

只要擁有與 Mac 所支援的相同硬體,安裝應該都不成問題。要知道你的硬體是否可以安裝,可以在這裡查詢。

當然,既然不是原廠的 Mac 電腦,自然需要有不同程度的修改。比較常見的問題一般都發生在下列幾個硬體部分,不過,相關的驅動程式應該都可以在網路流傳的破解版安裝光碟上找的到。

顯示 (video)
音效 (audio)
網路 (network)
既然可以透過破解版的安裝光碟來安裝 Mac OS X,那為什麼要利用原版零售光碟來安裝呢?其實這就是重點之所在。

利用原版零售光碟來安裝的系統可以直接透過 “軟體更新 (Software Update)” 將系統更新至目前的最新版本 (10.5.x -> 10.5.5)。而用破解版安裝的系統無法直接進行更新,必須等到網路上有人將修改過後的更新程式釋出之後才有機會進行更新。亦或是再下載一版更新後的安裝光碟後重新安裝一次系統 (也就是像重灌 Windows,驅動程式及應用程式…等) 。



原版 Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.x DVD 安裝光碟 (Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.x Retail DVD)。以下稱 Retail DVD。
開機光碟 (Boot-132 Bootloader) 可在這裡下載,解壓縮後將這個 .iso 檔案燒錄至光碟上 (建議用可重複燒錄的 CD-RW)。以下稱 Boot CD。
一個硬碟。容量越大越好,至少要有 7 GB 的可用空間。因為要重新分割及格式化,所以請先自行備份硬碟上的重要資料。
一個 USB 隨身碟。
下載下列幾個檔案並複製到 USB 隨身碟上,同時也把顯示,音效及網路的驅動安裝程式複製到 USB 隨身碟上。
建議先將除了光碟機及上述所提及的硬碟以外的儲存裝置移除 (單純化,避免操作錯誤)。

設定電腦由光碟機開機後用 Boot CD 進行開機。帶開機完成後按 Enter。取出 Boot CD 並置入 Retail DVD。
待光碟機的指示燈停止閃爍後按 Enter,此時光碟機開始讀取 Retail DVD 的內容。
在 Darwin Boot Loader 倒數畫面結束前按 F8 進入參數輸入列輸入 -v 後並按 Enter,此時正式進入安裝階段。
在歡迎畫面出現後,選擇畫面上方命令列中的 “工具程式 -> 磁碟工具程式” 進入磁碟工具程式。
選擇左方的硬碟後,再選擇右方的 “分割” 標籤頁,建立分割區並命名。同時在選項內選擇 GUID,接著進行格式化。
離開 “磁碟工具程式” 後繼續進行安裝步驟。選擇新建立的分割磁區作為安裝系統的目標磁區。
於安裝摘要內選擇需要的印表機驅動程式。另外,可以只留下要用到的語言字體。按 “完成” 後回到安裝摘要畫面,按 “安裝” 並略過檢查安裝 DVD 的動作,開始進行安裝的工作。
經過一段時間的安裝,最後會有一個警告畫面出現 (內容是說無法由此一安裝的硬碟啟動…..),忽略它,選擇重新啟動。
如果電腦無法自動重新啟動,按 Reset 鍵重新開機。這時退出 Retail DVD,再將 Boot CD 置入進行開機。
Boot CD 開機完成後,輸入 80 (即選擇第一顆硬碟為開機硬碟) 後按 Return。在 Darwin Boot Loader 倒數畫面結束前按 F8 進入參數輸入列並輸入 -v 後按 Enter。
幸運的話,歡迎的動畫會出現 (如果沒有動畫出現,檢視硬碟的指示燈是否有閃爍,等待一下)。之後按照畫面指示,選擇適當的選項及填入註冊資訊後就會進入 Leopard 的桌面。
至此,Leopard 的安裝暫時告一段落。
在 Finder 內先將 /System/Library/Extensions 這個檔案夾拖拉 (複製) 到桌面上。
插入 USB 隨身碟,將下載的兩個檔案解壓縮至桌面上。
打開 “工具程式” 內的 “終端機”,鍵入 sudo -s (需要輸入密碼)。
鍵入 cp -R ~/Desktop/OpenHaltRestart_1.0.3.kext/OpenHaltRestart.kext /System/Library/Extensions/OpenHaltRestart.kext
chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/Extensions/OpenHaltRestart.kext
chmod -R 755 /System/Library/Extensions/OpenHaltRestart.kext
執行 USB 隨身碟內的顯示,音效及網路驅動安裝程式 (如果需要的話)。完成後退出 USB 隨身碟。
回到 ”終端機” 內,鍵入 diskutil repairpermissions /
rm -rf /System/Library/Extensions.mkext
接著利用 “軟體更新 (Software Update)”,將系統更新至最新的狀態。更新完成後,系統會重新開機。重複步驟 10 及 11。
10.5.5 的更新會自動再重新開機一次。開機完成之後會回到桌面上。
至此,開機皆需由 Boot CD 光碟開機。接下來的步驟則是把硬碟設定為可開機。
重複步驟 16。
cp /Volumes/MKISO/boot /boot
chown -R root:wheel /boot
chmod -R 644 /boot
diskutil info / | grep Identifier 一組 diskXsY 會出現,記下它 (我的是 disk0s2)。
cd ~/Desktop/efi_boot_v5.1
./fdisk -f boot0 -u -y /dev/rdiskX
dd if=boot1h of=/dev/rdiskXsY
./fdisk -e /dev/rdiskX (這裡會有錯誤訊息出現,忽略它)
f Y
reboot 重新開機,同時由光碟機內取出 Boot CD。
完成。此後可以直接由硬碟開機,不再需要經由 Boot CD 開機。

在開始進行 Mac OS X Leopard 安裝之前,有幾個注意事項:

所謂的原版 DVD 光碟是指零售版的 DVD 光碟 (Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.x Retail DVD),而非隨機所附的 DVD 光碟。
原版 DVD 光碟只能將 Leopard 安裝在 GUID 格式的硬碟上。如果因有特殊需求要將 Leopard 安裝在 MBR 格式的硬碟上,則需自行在原版 DVD 光碟上進行修改。

針對完成後由硬碟開機出現下列訊息時,增加步驟 27~29。

boot0: GPT
boot0: HFS+
boot0: booting
boot0: done
Non-system disk
Press any key to reboot

Alt-N MDaemon error 554


: –> 554 Message does not conform to standards
Tue 2007-07-03 16:35:46: Connection closed


在setup–>Miscellaneous options–>Server–>取消SMTP Server Checks commands and headers for RFC Compliance

Windows Server 2008 License activation

Windows Server 2008 License activation

Windows 2008 is very similar to previous Microsoft operating systems. The install process is more streamlined. Windows 2008, like Windows Vista requires activation before you can unlock the full functionality.

Normally during the installation process you are prompted for a License Key. Then after the installation is complete you will be prompted until you activate the server. You must activate within 60 days.

With Windows 2008 a new system has been introduced called Volume Activation 2.0 (VA2). The VA2 system no longer uses the single Volume License Key (VLK) concept. VA2 supports two methods for activation Multiple Activation Key (MAK) or Key Management Service (KMS).

After your initial installation of a Windows 2008 volume license edition you will need to activate your system.

Using KMS

When using the KMS system one or more KMS hosts activate the licenses for clients. A KMS client must then renew the activation regularly. The KMS server can be installed on Windows 2003 x86 and x64 servers, or Windows 2008 and Windows Vista have the required software built in.

Generally you should not install critical services like KMS on a Vista workstation, it is always better to use a server operating system.

KMS is controlled using a script based system. The script slmgr.vbs is located within the Windowssystem32 folder. Some of the options for use are:

-ipk – install product key
-ato – Activate
-dli – Display license information
-xpr – expiration date for current license state
-skms – direct connection
Once you have finished building the Windows 2008 operating system, you should activate the server. However if it is just a short term test server do not activate. You do not want to be activating more than you have too.

slmgr.vbs -ipk

You cannot use the MAK key with this!

To activate the KMS key you must enter:

slmgr.vbs -skms

The KMS Host will not start activating clients until the activation threshold has been met. In Windows 2008 the threshold is 5 systems.

Using MAK

MAK licenses are very similar to the old VLK method. With MAK licenses a key has a limited number of activations and connects directly to the Microsoft Activation server or can use a Volume Activation Management Proxy server.

Note that when using MAK’s, if you rebuild an OEM system you cannot use the OEM MAK again. You must use a MAK you have purchased.


When working with Windows 2008 for the first time you might not have read about the VA2 system. The Microsoft error messages also do not help much.

If you have not installed your product key you might not be able to reach the internet. If you look in network connections you will see that your access is restricted to Local Only. You need and want Local and Internet. But you cannot just change a setting in a drop down box.

If you try and browse to the Internet you will receive an invalid IP error. If you try and activate you will get:

License Activation Scheduler (SLUINotify.dll) was not able to automatically activate. Error code: 0xC004F039


www.Microsoft.com is not set up to establish a connection on port “World Wide Web (HTTP)

After installing the correct KMS product key you should see your access change toLocal and Internet.

Then you can do all the updates and driver installations.


iPhone DFU mode

如果各位在升級或降級 ipsw 時須要進入 DFU 模式或者在回復時碰到iTunes error (6) 可以跟下方法進入 DFU模式:

iPhone 要先連接好電腦

禁 iPhone 的 [Sleep] 制,之後 slide to off

禁住 [Home]+[Sleep] 制等 10 秒, 跟住放開 [Sleep] 制但仍要禁住 [Home] 制

禁住 [Home] 制 5 秒後, 如果這時 iTunes detects 到你部iPhone 係在回復模式的話,你可以放開 [Home] 制

之後你就可以返回 iTunes,禁 [Shift]鍵盤及 iTunes 的 [restore] 制去選擇你要回復的 ipsw 文件,等候回復。

How to store and retrieve variables in Word documents

Sub GetSetDocVars()

Dim fName As String
fName = “Jeff Smith”
‘ Set contents of variable “fName” in a document using a document
‘ variable called “FullName”.
ActiveDocument.Variables.Add Name:=”FullName”, Value:=fName
‘ Retrieve the contents of the document variable.
MsgBox ActiveDocument.Variables(“FullName”).Value

End Sub

Disable Security Warning in Access Runtime

1 - Use the package and deployment wizard to package the app, and setup will
install it in a folder that is automatically trusted.  (Probably too late for
that in your case.)

2 - You could digitally sign the app before deploying and the customer could
accept the digital signature before opening the db.  (Expensive and has to be
renewed every year.)

3 - The customer could hack the registry.  (Scary thought.  Build a registry
script for them to double click on.)  Create these 3 registry keys:

1 - VBA warnings setting (DWORD):


VBAWarnings = 1

2 - Sandbox mode setting (DWORD):


SandboxMode = 2

3 - Macro security setting, either for all users or current user (DWORD, 1 =
low level):

(For all users on pc)


Level = 1

(Or for single user on pc)


Level = 1