Web Viewer uses old version of Internet Explorer

I am using a Web Viewer Control to embed Google Docs content on Windows. Unfortunately Google is reporting that my web browser is out of date and not supported. I am using FileMaker Pro Advanced 64-bit on Windows 7.

This is a bug in FileMaker. Here’s why:


The FileMaker Web Viewer uses Internet Explorer on Windows. The version is controlled by the FEATURE_BEHAVIORS and FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION keys, which can either be in the HKCU or HKLM in the registry.

The HKCU value seems to override HKLM ones.


On FileMaker 15 an entry is created in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MAIN\FeatureControl\FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION automatically when FileMaker is loaded – which forces Internet Explorer 9 to be used. This is no longer supported by Google. Please note this is irrelevant of what is the default browser, or what browsers are installed.


A workaround is to set this key manually, but this must be done on a per-user instance (or in the database startup script).


I think this should be changed to set the browser version to IE 11 or only set this key on first-run – allowing it to be configured manually.

Disable Security Warning in Access Runtime

1 - Use the package and deployment wizard to package the app, and setup will
install it in a folder that is automatically trusted.  (Probably too late for
that in your case.)

2 - You could digitally sign the app before deploying and the customer could
accept the digital signature before opening the db.  (Expensive and has to be
renewed every year.)

3 - The customer could hack the registry.  (Scary thought.  Build a registry
script for them to double click on.)  Create these 3 registry keys:

1 - VBA warnings setting (DWORD):


VBAWarnings = 1

2 - Sandbox mode setting (DWORD):


SandboxMode = 2

3 - Macro security setting, either for all users or current user (DWORD, 1 =
low level):

(For all users on pc)


Level = 1

(Or for single user on pc)


Level = 1